Utkal University


  1. Every student is required to attend classes regularly. If a student attends classes less than the requirednumberi.e.75%,thenhe/shecanbedetainedfromappearinginthe examinations.
  2. A student should always wear his/her ID Card around his/her neck on the Campus. The same should beshownwhenidentityproofisrequiredbythe Universityofficials.
  3. No student will be allowed to enter any office, hostel, library, auditorium, administrative & examinationblocks, etc., if he/she fails to show his/her University Identity Card. Students will be allowed to attendcultural programmes, sports events,or other programmesof the University only when they are inpossessionoftheirIDcards.
  4. All the students must fill in the required information correctly in the Students’ Information Form. Theaddress and contact numbers of parents should be correct so that they can be contacted in case of anyemergency.
  5. If a student gets accommodation allotted in his/her name in a hostel and allows some other person(s) tostay in his/her allotted room and/or to take meals, in that case the admission of both the students, i.e. theallotted and the illegal occupant, shall be cancelled from the Department/Institute as well as from thehostelwithoutassigninganyreason.
  6. Non-residents of university hostels will not be allowed to stay in the hostels without prior permission ofthe competent authority. Strict disciplinary action would be taken against the student/s who violate/s thisrule.
  7. Bonafidestudentdesirousofbringing/keepinghis/hervehicleintheUniversityCampuswouldberequired to submit self-attested photocopies of the Registration Certificate (RC) of his/her vehicle and thedrivinglicensetotheDean/DirectoroftheDepartment/InstituteandtotheWardenofthehostelconcerned..
  8. Students arenotallowedtohonkhorn/s oftheirvehicles ortoplayloudmusicintheirvehicles.
  9. Novehiclewithblackfilm/swillbeallowedentry intheUniversitypremises.
  10. Students must observe maximum speed limit of 30 km per hour while driving their permittedvehicle onthecampus.
  11. AllstudentsmustfollowtheUniversityguidelinesregardingAnti-Ragging.Toreportincident/sofanykindofragging,helplinenumbersare displayed atmajorplacesonthecampusand the Universitywebsitealso.
  12. All students should behave decently with female students, teachers and employees. No studentshould involve in any incident of eve-teasing. Anyone found indulging in such activity shall beliable to stringent disciplinary action. The University strictly follows its policy of zero tolerancetowardseve-teasingandact/s ofsexualharassment.
  13. The University property should not be harmed in any manner. If a student is found damaging theUniversityproperty,strictactionwillbetakenagainsthim/her.
  14. Use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs in any form is strictly prohibited on the University Campus.Every student must observe these instructions on the Campus failing which strict action will betakenagainsthim/hertotheextentofexpulsionfromtheUniversityandthecourse.
  15. Every student must follow University rules and regulations in maintaining discipline on thecampus.Ifastudentisfoundinvolvedinanyact/sofindiscipline,unlawfulnessormisbehaviorthenhe/shewillbepunishedas perUniversityrules.
  1. No student is allowed to disturb the academic atmosphere of the campus. If anyone is founddisrupting classes or instigating students to disrupt classes, then such activity will be consideredseriousindisciplinaryactandthe studentwillbe punishedaccordingly.
  2. UniversityhasamechanismtoredressthegrievancesofitsstudentsthroughStudents’GrievancesRedrAstudentcansubmithis/hercomplaint/grievancetotheDeanStudents’Welfare,ConveneroftheCell,inwritingmentioninghis/hername,class,department/hostel & phone number to the office of Dean Students’ Welfare/Registrar. Studentsare advised not to hold any rally or protest near the University administrative block. They shouldtake up theissue, if any,firstwith the Chairperson/Director/Principal/ Warden/Chief WardenandthenwiththeDeanStudents’Welfare.
  3. Students must obey instructions of the teacher-in-charge(s) while on a tour/ trip/ field training/Industrialtraining,etc.Allsafetynorms,asprescribedintheUGCSafetyRegulations,shouldbefollowedbystudentsonandoffthe campus.
  4. All the students must observe silence in the library. They must not use mobile phones in thelibrary.
  5. Any poster/hoarding found pasted/fixed/hanged at any place, other than the prescribedplace,willattractseverepunishmentunderthe DefacementActofPublicProperty.
  6. Students are expected to keep the campus neat and clean. The use of polythene is strictly bannedonthe campus.